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So also in accordance with the ray ban sunglasses outlet sunglasses sale Good Hope Cattle intentions, more than a dozen years away from the county seat, the uninhabited place, chose to do a land site. Because no matter what business thought Daniel Wu, even if environmental protection, inevitably there will be some waste water, waste gas, nike australia waste discharge. Thus, over time, will inevitably harm to the health of residents. The Secretary Li believes that the factory was built too far away, on the county 's citizens is simply inconvenient, workers work far. However, this site has not taken into account the issue now, there is no Daniel Wu, and sunglasses sale much controversy.

Not like a joke to say: two brothers play geese, and one said after the fight boiled down to eat, a man said to be burning to eat, and so the debate is over, the geese flew away early. Secretary Li, then tomorrow ray bans online ready to go regional, provincial going to run the project, sunglasses sale led personally to go, okay ? Daniel Wu did not takeincumbent, he felt his form was so naive that revenge, like those hills ditch Poyi who do not want to be so simple culture. He was simply trying to show their is nothing to consider the overall situation of the county, Daniel Wu, if he does not agree, then he pushed with the county government, even with the county pig raiser who opposed that side.

Baiju Zhang, sunglasses sale just said that the county is currently pig herds twenty thousand long, is not to fish the Bay Area now also includes the number of live pigs go ? Daniel Wu, calmly askedSecretary County Business Council. This, this number does not include the number of live pigs fish of the Bay Area. Bai Kaiping slightly stunned for a moment, immediately react, he was given a scare God, the reason why would anyone do that specifically say : because from the year before, the original Yu- Ping Township hog exports go mainly to channel, the annual pig acquisitions, but also by the Village of farming fish trading company to complete, county, township food companies do not intervene, so the number of live pigs sunglasses sale every year there is no unified statistics.

