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Reinforce this premise is to determine, the only trouble is sending troops to scale. Four reinforcements before the coalition has been put on the battlefield all the reserve, the fourth installment of reinforcements and even spent a part of the space forces, at the moment from every country in the domestic troop movements - but for a time the soldiers are not available, there is no after space combat training system, NFL Cases do not even know how to move on the battlefield. As time goes by, those reinforcements are fast becoming corpses on the battlefield, the stalemate in the vicinity of the theater space station, engineering ship 's wreckage has been the formation of a faint ring of cemeteries, piles of dead bodies as war before the emperor army killed by poison gas scene in general, into a film into a piece suspended.

Most countries advocate riding battlefield situation has not completely deteriorate, accelerate new planes bombed the emperor 's plan - that is, that plane just found preliminary investigation showed that compared to the bimonthly star, where the population density is higher 's more, you can clearly see the city, as well as a large stone building in the city. The essence of this plan is to attack exchange on it, Weiweijiuzhao - although Anna did not think the emperor would care about their losses because of reduced offensive to NHL Cases troops can support multi-line operations, but still voted in favor of Nike Cases for this project tickets - even without effect, but always ray ban outlet to do what.

Launched bombing is not difficult, dozens of strategic bombers in this ready before the war, the difficulty is materiel readiness - nuclear warheads simple, when necessary, you can even let the magic door successive handling staff space, the biggest difficulty lies thousands of tons of aviation gasoline. Two hours ago, no one has brought this program because there is no possibility of the implementation of the entire program, but now, with the Carmel people first space door box imitate the success on the battlefield, Anna feel that this program can have a try - at least those boxes still being safe.Although small, but still have to adjust the tone, if Carmel people are beginning to mean casualties, and that this battle has not crushed. Although the situation has been so tense battlefield, Carmel still from the army, for laboratory allocated a number of the best caster in order to safeguard the smooth progress of the experiment - kamo is one of them. Kamo only junior high school level academic degree, strictly speaking even lower, before this, Nike Cases never thought I would have to deal with day in and laboratories.

