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As gamma newly formed battalion places up some new business mainly handguns hands compared to only about one percent, pawns basically do not armored, only team above officers can armored, but in order to ensure that ray ban sunglasses can also have a relatively strong combat, had such a weapon some crossbow supplement to ray ban sunglasses outlet being used even also equipped with a large number of javelin, so that at least two battalions B can act as an auxiliary force to use. After such a distinction, A species is definitely the main camp, the camp also has a B species is relatively independent combat capability, and gamma camp belonged to the auxiliary operations and auxiliary soldiers, when necessary, gamma battalion soldiers, will serve as B two kinds of war barracks personnel reserve, ready to be added to B lottery among the two camps, to some extent, can serve as a secondary gamma camp barracks soldiers and the new role.

For the next step is to use military force against South Zhili it, Xiao Tianjian can say is no secret strategic intent and cheap ray ban Sunglasses ray ban sunglasses outlet ambitions, with great fanfare announced the news in the army, but excited too ministries soldiers are gearing up, d enough strength to start up more effort into training. Anyway fool can see, ray ban sunglasses outlet Xiao Tianjian any plans the next step, strategic deception is simply no use, you might as well so fanfare open, one can inspire the morale of the military criminal days, the second is also possible to south Zhili official put pressure to achieve the enemy without fighting the soldiers purposes.

Andthe moment is basically desperate, South Zhili ray ban sunglasses outlet can scrape out the money basically scrape out, but still can not meet the need to train a new army, will, though local officials are very determined to resist, but each has its own calculations, Fort knot recruit soldier dead weight, listenfielding on the surface, but secretly and refused to assist in the worklose silver, just a third of an acre to keep his, although South Zhili on the surface in the past few months among recruiting up a lot of horses, so that the number of government troops along the southern Chen Zhili cloth reached an unprecedented three hundred thousand troops, but these troops was distributed in huge around the South Zhili, attributed to various Army under their control, Xiangyin into it, really into the hands of the lowest pawns under, I am afraid only a mere two or three accomplishments be more, and most of the officials at all levels and deductions under the Army who have landed in the hands of the person handling.

